We are Plymouth’s largest social housing landlord with over 16,000 properties providing homes to over 35,000 people in Plymouth.
PCH is a high performing, efficient and effective housing business focused on providing good quality homes and services for people in the city.
We don’t just own homes; we are also a commercial landlord with over 170 shops.
PCH Manufacturing offers bespoke engineering and manufacturing solutions throughout the South West to private home owners, business, landlords and developers. Any profits we make are invested back into the community.
SO Living offer shared ownership homes and have sold 89 homes in the city since 2012, including at PL2, one of the largest housing regeneration projects in the South West. The team pride themselves on their personal approach towards helping you own your own home.
Plumer House is our Head Office and serves as an imposing, modern five storey business centre which is home to long-term business tenants and available to hire for conferencing, training and meetings.