Shettleston Housing Association

Shettleston is a community based housing association, and a Scottish Charity, which has played a major role in the regeneration of the local area for 45 years.  Our Vision is of “thriving and prosperous communities where all residents enjoy great homes and services, an attractive physical environment and good life chances”. 

We currently have a total of 2,398 homes for social rent, mid-market rent and shared ownership in management and also provide regular factoring services to nearly 800 owner occupiers and commercial properties in the area. We are continuing to develop new affordable homes and have a major ongoing programme of investment in our existing homes to ensure they continue to meet the highest possible quality and energy efficiency standards.

We have established two wholly-owned subsidiaries:  Upkeep Shettleston Community Enterprise is our direct works and environmental services company which as well as providing quality, value for money services to SHA, has created employment opportunities for many in the local community.  East End Housing Development Company provides mid-market and market rented housing in the local area.