Specialists in using Purpose, Leadership, Resilience and Wellbeing to optimise human performance in business and professional sport.
Our purpose is to help clients bring their strategy to life.
We have over 13 years’ experience in delivering large scale transformational change. We have worked with over 35,000 people across four continents delivering our programmes in business and professional sport.
To achieve these results, we address the four fundamentals of DeltaV:
Purpose | Leadership | Resilience | Wellbeing
In 2004, SFL, the forefather of DeltaV Partners was founded by our CEO, John Fay MBE who knew that inspiring great leadership in others depended two key components; knowledge and experience. John brought together a team of academics and experienced leaders who had lived and breathed leadership within business, elite military units, professional sport and mountaineering teams.
Since 2004, we have delivered large scale transformational change for clients both in the UK and across the world developing the leadership talent of over 35,000 people.
In 2017, we rebranded to become DeltaV Partners, introducing new partners and a host of new consultants to the company who had completed John Fay’s rigorous ‘Junior Leaders’ programme some 15 years earlier before going on to serve with distinction in leadership roles within business, elite sport and the military.
Our philosophy of combining outstanding leadership academics with experienced leaders stands us apart. The training that we deliver is embedded in science and truly brings leadership to life and has real, tangible impact on the performance of our clients.