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Yoga With a Twist: Online Charity Yoga Class With The Knotted Yogi

Yoga With a Twist: Online Charity Yoga Class With The Knotted Yogi

It’s safe to say that most of us are feeling overwhelmed at the moment as millions of us are currently confined to our homes due to the coronavirus pandemic. Finding new ways to cope with stress and anxiety is especially important during these tough times. The benefits of practicing yoga are well-known, but dancing is also a great stress buster.

Georgie Edwards (The Knotted Yogi), a London-based yoga teacher who combines her two loves of yoga and dancing, is running an online reggae yoga session this Saturday 25th April at 10am BST. Georgie’s Roots Revival classes are a blend of dynamic yoga practice with reggae music and will be an energising and fun way to start the weekend during lockdown. This class will be donation-based and all proceeds will go to charity (50% to KCAH, Kingston Churches Action against Homelessness, and 50% to the NHS).

Want to join Georgie this Saturday? Sign up on The Knotted Yogi website here: https://theknottedyogi.com/classes/

Author: Housing Technology