Wellbeing and Careers Hub


Stress is usually thought of as bad for you, though it is an essential part of being human. Scientists have long known that the condition is caused by the brain releasing certain chemicals – adrenaline, cortisol etc. – for a very good reason: survival. But this is in reference to the “fight or flight” dilemma of primitive humans faced with the dangers of the natural world they shared with all kinds of predators and situations against which...
We have picked out ten books that aim to improve your performance and wellbeing. Whether you want to reduce stress, become more productive or unleash your full potential, we hope these books help you feel more inspired and positive. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr Julie Smith (Michael Joseph | Hardback, audio, ebook | January 2022) Dr Julie Smith draws on her experience as a clinical psychologist and shares all the skills...
Clinical reflexologist Nicola Stewart discusses stress, how it affects us and what we can do to manage it. If you find it hard to concentrate, struggle to make simple decisions, worry more than usual, feel ‘down’ or over-anxious, feel tired but can’t sleep – you may be suffering from stress. What is stress?   Stress is what happens to the body when the level of pressure it is feeling goes beyond its natural ability to cope with it....
Here’s this month’s list of our favourite books that aim to improve your performance and wellbeing. Whether you want to reduce stress, become more productive or unleash your full potential, we hope these books help you feel more inspired and positive. Ten Times Happier by Owen O’Kane  (HQ, Paperback/Ebook/Audiobook, May 2020) Owen O’Kane is a psychotherapist, former NHS Clinical Lead and author of the bestseller Ten to Zen . In...
There’s no doubt that spending time in nature can lift your spirits and simply going for a walk in the park has been a big comfort to many of us during lockdown. To coincide with Stress Awareness Month, Rachel Ward Lilley discusses the health and wellbeing benefits of nature. Have you been spending too much time in front of a screen during the pandemic? I certainly have. In fact, a new OFCOM report states that UK residents are generally...
Sara Smyth discusses how to create new habits to help you manage your response to stress. We’ve talked about stress and self-care more in the last year than ever before. But are we putting any of the advice into practice? Have we changed our habits for good? Most of us know we should be taking regular breaks in the fresh air, reducing our screen time, eating well and getting a good night’s sleep. We know what we should be doing but we...
April is Stress Awareness Month and we've listed some highly effective stress-busting activities that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Staff absence can often be caused by stress, so identifying the causes is vital for team managers and leaders. Sometimes we don't even realise we are stressed until we take some time off and, in many cases, get ill. Extreme stress at work can lead to you feeling exhausted, disengaged and unable...
April is Stress Awareness Month and we’ll be sharing various articles here on how to manage stress during these troubled times. We thought we’d start by listing some useful books that will help you manage and reduce stress. Me Time: The Self-Care Guide That Transforms You From Surviving to Thriving by Jessica Sanders (White Lion Publishing, Hardback/Ebook, January 2021) This is a wonderfully visual and well-designed guide to...
We’ve listed our top five new books that aim to inspire and improve wellbeing during these difficult times. Whether you want to reduce stress, learn how to manage your mental health better, or stop yourself burning out, we hope these books provide some much-needed comfort and positivity. No Such Thing as Normal by Bryony Gordon (Headline, Hardback/Ebook/Audiobook, January 2021) Bryony Gordon — author, journalist and founder of...
As we all deal with a second lockdown, it’s even more important to address and manage our mental health and wellbeing. Here's this month's list of our top five books to help boost happiness, performance and wellbeing. A Little Happier: Notes for Reassurance by Derren Brown  (Bantam Press, Hardback/Ebook/Audiobook, October 2020) Illusionist Derren Brown has condensed the lessons from his international bestseller Happy into this...
We’ve put together a list of five new books that aim to inspire and improve wellbeing in these uncertain times. Whether you want to reduce stress, become more productive or unleash your full potential, we hope these books help you feel more inspired and positive. Think Like a Monk: The Secret of How to Harness the Power of Positivity and be Happy Now by Jay Shetty (HarperCollins, Hardback/Ebook/Audiobook, September 2020) Jay Shetty,...
Most of us will recognise the feelings of extreme stress at work. You feel exhausted, disengaged and unable to cope. But did you know that since May 2019, burnout has been redefined and is now included in the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases diagnostic manual? Recognised as a ‘syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed’, burnout is the end of...